Greg Barker Webchat on the Green Deal
Monday November 19, 2012
11:35 I would like to ask the Minister, why, after having been ‘launched’ over 6 weeks ago, are participating companies and householders still unable to undertake energy assessments (the pre-requisite for securing Green Deal Loans)? Surely this should have been sorted out months ago?
11:39 Greg Barker:
Lets be clear. The Green Deal wasnt "launched" six weeks ago.The frame work went live on October 1st to allow companies to begin getting registered as Green Deal Assessors, the real "launch" as such will be 28 January when the first consumer finance plans can go live.However as more Assessors gain creditation and Green Dealm Providers begin marketing their services we
expect the number of Assessments to rise.
1.Do we have any firm ideas of the GD interest rate yet?
2.Do we know how many providers & assessors have registered yet?
3.Are there any targets for the end of the first month?
4.Sky News indicated this weekend that there had been no uptake on the cashback scheme. Do you have any comments on this?
11:44 Greg Barker:
Hi Sarah, the interest rate is really important but it is not the only driver nof good value. We are working to deliver the lowest interest rate possible, much lower than typical consumer credit, and are working closely with the Green Investment Bank; but the actual rate will partly depend on the market.
11:49 When will GD Finance be available?
11:50 Greg Barker: That is an easy one. 28 January!
11:50 How long is the Green Deal likely to last? Would a change in government affect it?
11:52 Greg Barker: Hi David, Good question.
This is a transformational new market for Energy Efficiency. We reckon that the huge challenge of retrofit plus the exciting growth of new cost effective measures and technologies means that the market will run at scale to at least 2030
11:56 I have not read or heard much in the Press etc about the Green Deal, what plans are there to communicate this initiative to the public?
11:58Greg Barker:
For Chris's question, we have a major PR plan for 2013 but the biggest push will come from the diverse range of Green Deal providerts themselves.
12:00 Do you have a total number of qualified GD assessors and GDAS / GDAO's to date and how many you would considered are needed?
12:03 Greg Barker:
New Assessors are just starting to come through now, we have paid for training for the first 1000 assessors and 1000 installers, The first 247 installers have now been accredited but many, many more in the pipe line.
12:04 Is there any guidance or regulation regarding this cost of a Green Deal Assessment and Report?
12:06 Greg Barker:
This is clearly very important and we are going to be watching this very carefully but until the scheme really gets going, we wont have a good feel as it is for the market to set the most competitive rates.
Any charges though will have to be declared upfront, and many GreenDeal providers are indicating they may offer them for free.
12:09 How many companies have registered as Green Deal providers so far?
12:11 Greg Barker:
Hi Teresa, Only just starting to clear the process which i opened on October 1st but there are 12 companies through now with many, many more in the pipeline, expected through before Christ,mas.
We published new GD Provider guidance on the DECC Website today, so do have a look at that too.
12:14 Greg Barker: Lots of people asking me about the Green Deal Assessor Software, including on Twitter over the weekend.
It is being vaildated by the BRE as we speak and we are pressing them for this asap, as we know that a lot of you need it soon as possible, We should have it by the end of the month if not sooner
12:16 How will the industry be regulated to ensure consumers are not over charged for equipment, installation and interest rates? Is it down to the individual providers to set there own prices?
12:18 Greg Barker:
Hi Paul, we have created a dedicated Oversight and Registration Body to govern and police the GreenDeal. But individual companies and providers will set their own prices and offers. Lots of healthy competition for the consumers business will be key to the market.
12:19 when does the Non_domestic green deal become available?
12:21 Greg Barker: Hello Paul,
Non Domestic Green Deal for businesses, will spring to life on 28 January too, But this is a more complex market so we expect it to develop over the year.
However I am really excited about thelong term potential for the Green Deal for Business to help overhaul our inefficient commercial, retail and industrial buildings
12:21 As mentioned in one of your previous answers "we have paid for training for the first 1000 assessors and 1000 installers". Who do we contact to get the benefit of this paid training?
12:24 Greg Barker: Hi Jay
Fotr details of the Assessor Training please contact
For Installer Training for solid wall installers please contact
12:24 Hi Greg, Is it possible for a GD provider, assessor and installer to operate under one business entity?
12:26 Greg Barker:
Hey Sam, Yes is the answer, it can be all under the same roof but lots of different providers will offer a variety of services, some in conjunction or in partnerships with other groups or companies.
Greg Barker: Lots of people asking about ECO, our new measure focussed on the fuel poor and hard to treat homes
Energy Compnies can already start delivering against their ECO targets already but we want to open the market up further and will be consulting shortly on the ECO Brokerage
12:35 How will Govt ensure smaller builders/plumbers & builders merchants not squeezed out by big retailers & energy cos?
12:38 Greg Barker: Hello Arnold,
SME's are key to delivering the nGreen Deal. They are by far the most trusted compoanies that people want to work in their home, especially for the bigger jobs when they are going to e left alone in the peoperty to get on with it.
There are several different ways in which SMEs can particiapate but i think becoming a trusted partner of the Local Authority will be a big advantage.,
12:41 You mentioned that energy suppliers can already start delivering on their ECO targets, but without the necessary guidance from OFGEM to ensure compliance, the reality is that this is not happening yet. Do you know when we can expect this from OFGEM?
12:44 Greg Barker: Hi Helen
The ECO guidance is due very shortly but OFGEM actually wrote directly to the Big Six last week spelling out the principles of how the ECO will work and you can view it on their website now.
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