Electrical Testing and Inspection – What You Need to Know
As a supplier of property maintenance in London I’m often asked what landlords need to do in order to ensure their property is compliant with UK law. Usually I’m being asked with a view to saving money where possible – and with things the way they are right now I couldn’t be more sympathetic. There are some things though where “saving money” just doesn’t work. Electrical testing and inspection is one of them.
You’re legally bound to have your electrics tested before the commencement of a tenancy. The electrical testing and inspection has to be carried out by a part P qualified electrician. If you don’t comply with the legislation, you could face a fine of as much as £5k – so as you see, not so much of a saving after all.
My own experience with property maintenance in London is that the majority of landlords are honest and keen to keep their tenants safe. They just don’t know exactly what the law tells them they have to do – and more importantly, what they should do as a safe minimum. In my opinion you should be booking electrical testing and inspection on the appliances in your rented properties at least once a year. You can only do that by having a PAT test.
By having electrical equipment tested once a year you’re safeguarding your tenants from potentially faulty items, which they are unlikely to be able to spot themselves. If you leave your electrical testing and inspection to every five years, who knows what could have started to go wrong in the interim?
As I’ve said, the consequences for failing to comply with Regulations even by accident can be heavy. And of course no landlord wants an electrical accident on his or her conscience, nr yet an electrical fire in his or her property. Property maintenance in London isn’t simply something you have to do. It’s something you do to minimise the risk of long term damage to your investment, and to ensure the maximum quality of occupancy for the people who pay your bills.